Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Longer time between posts huh?

Yes I know its been awhile between posts, seems that the blogging newness has worn off a bit and who knows when it will kick back in again. Anyway its been almost a month and alot of things have happened like the kids spring band concert, which was Tyson's first and maybe last one. He doesn't seem to enjoy band like Taylor does so he will probably be done after school ends which is right around the corner. Where has this year gone? Got to go hang out with the Sorensons, Pinkertons, Canadys, Harris', and a few others down at Brookville Road Com. Chruch at the begining of the month to watch and support PK as he was speaking there. It was alot of fun to hang out with them again and just chill. BRCC is a nice place and nice people there as well. I'm still excited to hear what all goes on out in So. Cal. in the coming months. Speaking of PK and Pink, I hope to be able to have them with me on SRF on June 4th for one last go around before they head out, I'll let you know.

Radio has been fun, there have been a few Saturdays where I don't feel like I "have it" and there have been other ones where its like I'm totally on that day. Still have a blast over there and would like to at some point move foward in the radio business, I really think scratch that I know that I would really love that. Worship has been good the past few times I've played. Getting back into the groove with Ryan again, seems like it was just a month or so ago when he asked me to join the worship team. Got some new faces with us now, I think Devin, for those of you who don't know is the other guitarist on the weeks I'm up there, is going to be a great addition to the team. I'm fine with letting him cut loose while I hold down the rhythm which maybe then I'll cut loose a little more.

Youth has been good, we are doing the final video message this week, I took a couple weeks off of it, on Mothers Day we only had 3 jr. high students so we played games the whole time and then we decided to do that in high school as well so they would both be on the same page. I think the students liked just hanging for a week and seemed to really enjoy the games. Last week I gave my first official prepared message which was fun. It was based around Eph. 4:29 and our speech and how we speak to others. I hope each week that whatever the message is that the student or students who need to hear it listen and learn. I'm gearing up to get a little schedule done on upcoming messages which will include topics from the bible, things that kids are going through and the occasional song message.

Been passing around some sickness here at the house, I've just gotten over a cold and then Tammy and now Tyson have had some stomach virus. He is the only person I know who can throw up then start talking again without missing a beat. Ready for all of that junk to be gone and we get back to good health. Got to hang out with his class last Friday night at the 6th grad party and had fun til I found out that the virus that him and Tammy have has been going around the school, oops. So there you have in a nutshell whats been going down in my little world and hopefully the next post won't be in a month it will be sooner.