The internet got hooked back up today so its good to be back online, who knows maybe I'll start blogging again. Lots of things have happened since I last blog so I'll try and catch up soon.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Waiting is over
Well the waiting is finally over, on Monday I start a new job at Muncie Transit Supply where I will be getting orders ready for Greyhound bus company. MTS is a supplier of bus parts and it is a warehouse seeting with about 10 people pulling orders so that is cool. I like the fact that there aren't hundreds of people working there where you have 50 or 60 people's names to try and remember so that is a plus. I actually had an interview there last year but didn't get the job and for whatever reason stopped in there last week and they said to call back this week, which I wasn't able to do because they called me for an interview last Friday. Did the interview on Monday and they called Wednesday and offered me the job. I feel good about this situation and am thankful that God is good and He has a plan. Ready to get rolling with this now.
Only bad part of this is that in a couple of weeks I was to fill in at JOY FM for the Workday Wrap-Up and that was gonna be fun but I think permenant employment ranks a little higher right now. I still have Saturdays and SRF so that is all good on the radio front. Youth has been fun the past few weeks and now we are at a time where we'll meet regularly this Sunday, next Sunday is Father's Day so we won't have a lesson just hang out time then a lesson the following week, then no youth for July 4th then the next Sunday is the week that the 6th graders now move up and the 8th graders go to high school youth. Finally on July 18th we will settle down and start a 14 week series on sharing your faith called "Bringing it up without throwing up." Catchey title huh? That should be fun and hopefully it will speak to some of them and get them to share their faith easier.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Friday, June 11, 2010 2 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Am I the only one who ever gets impatient, I'm not, cool you all know what I'm talking about then. For the last year and a half I've been unemployed for most of it, the first lay off was as 2009 was just getting started, I didn't see it coming at all but I was OK with it, I knew and still do know that God has something better for me, something that is "right up my alley" but I'm waiting to see what that is. After spending 7 months unemployed I got hired at a warehouse driving a forklift. It was fun and met some pretty cool people but alas in December the work that we were doing was done for a few months so once again I got laid off. Once again no problem, God is in control and He knows what He's doing and where I'm supposed to be. So once again back to waiting to see where that and what that is.
A month or so ago I was offered a job in Winchester which to be honest with you never set well with me. Now I didn't mind that the drive to work would be less than half of what its been for the last 15 years but I just never felt right about the whole thing. Went to orientation and still wasn't feeling at peace with it, on the way over I prayed that if this is where I was supposed to be that I'd know, that feeling never came so after lunch I told them that it wasn't for me. I felt free after that and within a week or so I was reaffirmed that I'd done the right thing by some events that happened. I still know that somewhere out there in this big old world God has a plan for me and the perfect situation, I will wait on that. Waiting, Tom Petty said it was the hardest part and I think he's right. I know that its not MY timing but GOD'S timing that is perfect and in His timing I'll be where I'm supposed to be so for now I'll just wait and know that He is in control. It gets frustrating and nerve racking sometimes and during those times the enemy likes to sneak in and try and ruin everything by making me worry and regret and well you get the picture. I won't let him steal this season of waiting, maybe its a good season to grow stronger in God's word or just grow in Him while I wait. So I'll wait, watch and listen.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Longer time between posts huh?
Yes I know its been awhile between posts, seems that the blogging newness has worn off a bit and who knows when it will kick back in again. Anyway its been almost a month and alot of things have happened like the kids spring band concert, which was Tyson's first and maybe last one. He doesn't seem to enjoy band like Taylor does so he will probably be done after school ends which is right around the corner. Where has this year gone? Got to go hang out with the Sorensons, Pinkertons, Canadys, Harris', and a few others down at Brookville Road Com. Chruch at the begining of the month to watch and support PK as he was speaking there. It was alot of fun to hang out with them again and just chill. BRCC is a nice place and nice people there as well. I'm still excited to hear what all goes on out in So. Cal. in the coming months. Speaking of PK and Pink, I hope to be able to have them with me on SRF on June 4th for one last go around before they head out, I'll let you know.
Radio has been fun, there have been a few Saturdays where I don't feel like I "have it" and there have been other ones where its like I'm totally on that day. Still have a blast over there and would like to at some point move foward in the radio business, I really think scratch that I know that I would really love that. Worship has been good the past few times I've played. Getting back into the groove with Ryan again, seems like it was just a month or so ago when he asked me to join the worship team. Got some new faces with us now, I think Devin, for those of you who don't know is the other guitarist on the weeks I'm up there, is going to be a great addition to the team. I'm fine with letting him cut loose while I hold down the rhythm which maybe then I'll cut loose a little more.
Youth has been good, we are doing the final video message this week, I took a couple weeks off of it, on Mothers Day we only had 3 jr. high students so we played games the whole time and then we decided to do that in high school as well so they would both be on the same page. I think the students liked just hanging for a week and seemed to really enjoy the games. Last week I gave my first official prepared message which was fun. It was based around Eph. 4:29 and our speech and how we speak to others. I hope each week that whatever the message is that the student or students who need to hear it listen and learn. I'm gearing up to get a little schedule done on upcoming messages which will include topics from the bible, things that kids are going through and the occasional song message.
Been passing around some sickness here at the house, I've just gotten over a cold and then Tammy and now Tyson have had some stomach virus. He is the only person I know who can throw up then start talking again without missing a beat. Ready for all of that junk to be gone and we get back to good health. Got to hang out with his class last Friday night at the 6th grad party and had fun til I found out that the virus that him and Tammy have has been going around the school, oops. So there you have in a nutshell whats been going down in my little world and hopefully the next post won't be in a month it will be sooner.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Wednesday, May 19, 2010 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday morning thoughts
Here it is a nice Monday morning after 2 good weekends and its time to put down in words a few thoughts and such. Last weekend of course was the final message from PK and we got to celebrate the Sorenson's and Pinkerton's with a little gathering after service but also during service. I was honored to be able to pray for them and their new adventures that they are embarking on. I am excited to hear of all the blessings and miricles that are going to be happening out in Escondido in the coming months. That was a tough one for me to get through but with a little help from above we got through it. I have been incredibly blessed to be able to work with and minister with these two families for the past few years. There is still time for a little radio fun before they head out. We ended the service with a fitting song as a tribute to these families, "Jesus Freak". Judging from the response of the people during that song and all the feedback I've gotten since that song went over very well.
Last night was my first night of leading the youth group during the message time and it went pretty good, I've still got a ways to go but I got more comfortable as the night went on. Last night we started a video series called Am I Happy, got 3 more weeks of videos and discussions then it will be time to start coming up with a few topics to discuss and give a little message on. I am both excited and nervous at the same time but I think good things are in store.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, April 19, 2010 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
It's Opening Day
Today is the official Opening Day for Major League Baseball, I don't consider last nights game as an Opening Day game it's just a made for TV kind of thing. Now if I were still in school I would skip today to stay home and watch baseball all day. Looked at the guide on the tube today and see that there is supposed to be 4 games on as well as a big NCAA basketball game I've been hearing about lately, but there is a possible glitch. On the guide the first two games of the day in Cincinnati and Chicago have a black circle on them so I'm wondering if they will be blacked out here which would mean that the 4 pm game with the Braves would be the first one I could watch, I hope thats not the case but oh well.
We put our big surprise off yesterday at church and will work a little more on it this week and bust it out next Sunday so be sure to be there. Next Sunday will be a emotional rollercoaster as we celebrate PK and the Pinkertons last Sunday with us. I've said it before that this is bittersweet because I'm selfish and want them to stick around but I know God's call trumps mine everytime and there are big things in store for So Cal later this year. Don't forget that this Friday from 8 to 11 you can check us out on Solid Rock Friday Night on Joy FM which will be a blast and I get bonus time this week on Joy FM for their sharathon. I will be on Wed, Thu and Fri from 10 to 12 helping out and I'll be handling the phones Wed & Thu from 8-10 so give me a call and help out the station.
Worship yesterday was amazing and I was floored at how many people were there, that was cool. Thanks to Kyle P. for letting me borrow his footpedals for yesterday. The power chord to my pedal decided to finally give out Thursday at practice so I got a new one ordered and it should be here in a day or two and we'll be back to normal but big thanks to KP for the help.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, April 05, 2010 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Difference
Last night at youth I had the opportunity to lead the message for the first time ever in my life. To say that I was a little nervous was an understatement, but I made it through alright and no one got hurt so that was good. A few months back I bought a cd by a band named Philmont, and on it was a song titled "The Difference." I always thought that this would make a good little message and a few weeks ago I had a tugging on my heart that "hey you need to talk about this to the youth" so I finally got the courage to ask Pink if it was ok to lead youth some week and he agreed and the rest is history. The song and my message was about how when we give our lives to Christ there has to be and should be a difference in them, meaning if you used to go out and party on the weekends before you gave your life to Christ then after you shouldn't still live like that. One of the lines in the song says "I've tried so hard to mix the old life with the new, but there's no in between if I'm gonna follow You."
I was nervous during Jr. High youth mainly because I've never done this and I only knew a handful of the students. When High School youth was starting and there were about 3 times as many students I was thinking I'm really gonna be nervous with that many people in there but actually the opposite happened and I was more relaxed for that, maybe because I had the first time speaking out of the way or maybe because I know almost all of those students. Either way it was enjoyable and maybe I'll get to do it again.
One thing I'll leave you with and it was something I told the students to think about is a quote from Brennan Manning, author of Ragamuffin Gospel which states "The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." Pink was able to share some of this firsthand after I was finished of his experiences with a relative who would agree with that quote 100% and I firmly believe that when PK and Pink get The Branches of Escondido up and running, Pink's cousin will come to know Christ as his personnal saviour through the work that God is going to do through those 2 and all those who are joining them.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, March 29, 2010 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Recap of the past few weeks.
A few things have happened since my last post and I'd like to tell you about them now. First off if you listened to Solid Rock Friday Night this week with my two special guests, PK and Pink, thank you and I hope you were entertained. If you didn't happen to listen all I can say is that you missed out. It was an absolute blast and alot of fun hanging out and talkin and rockin with those two. I'm gonna miss when they head out to California but there are still a couple of Friday nights that we can all get together and have some fun on the radio like say Friday April 9th. Go ahead and mark it on your calendars because its gonna be fun. It was mentioned that we need to syndicate that show and I think that is a great idea. We were on for 3 hours of course and had 32 total requests. that is like an all time record. The amazing thing is that the last 31 songs of the night, which included the last 20 minutes of the first hour and all of hours two and three were requests. And it is always fun to come up with nicknames for our new friends (those requesting) and to have a little banter with them. Next time I think we will take that banter on the air live every once in a while, that could be fun.
The last couple of Sundays on the worship team have been fun, exciting, good and nerve wracking. Last Sunday when we sent the Blacks and Marggy off was really cool when I was talking to Aaron he thanked me for the song I wrote, we did it that day per his request, and I was floored that it meant alot to him, mission accomplished. Yesterday it was fun to play the old bass again and had to switch to guitar for Hosanna and that is where the fun started. For whatever reason I started getting the nervous shakes right before that song, don't know why we've done it quite a few times and I know what to play but yesterday I couldn't stop shaking. We made it through it though and I don't think it sounded bad at all.
Tammy went and hung out with me at youth last night, the kids are down in Tennessee for the week and we have some freedom for a bit. Had fun of course watching some of the kids jump over the cushion chairs up in the 3:7. Next week will be another first, I will be giving the lesson for both the jr. high and high school, I've never ever done that so it could be interesting.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, March 22, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Open Hands Acoustic Performance
This is a song I heard on Air1 one day and liked it. It is from a newer artist named Matt Papa. I'm thinking we should do this some Sunday.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, March 09, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The longest blog ever…
Everyone who goes to church, is a member of a church or a leader in a church should read this and live it. The longest blog ever…
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Saturday, March 06, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Need more shows like this 'round here.
Last Sunday in Greenville Ohio the Nothing and Everything Tour with Red, Decyfer Down, The Wedding and Me In Motion came rolling into town and the youth group made a little road trip. It was a fun evening and I was blessed to be able to welcome the crowd and give a few announcements before the show started. It is a pretty cool feeling when you say something and the crowd reacts loudly, I dug that. Wasn't too nervous but I did forget to mention a thing or two and I know I'd like to do it again sometime. Funny thing one of the leaders who went, Jennifer Wise, is such a rock and roll rebel, she went out and took a nap during the show. Who does that? Good times and here are a few pictures that Taylor took for you to enjoy although for whatever reason she didn't get a picture of me doing my thing on stage. Thanks to JOY FM, Marty McCabe, and the tour manager for Red for the chance to live out a dream.What a nice looking group of people waiting to get in, notice the one without a coat? They only stood out there for about an hour. 4 cars with 15 kids and 5 leaders equals a good night.
Red doing a song called "Pieces" off of thier first cd. Was really surprised that they did this one, I've always liked it and thought we could do it some Sunday.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Thursday, February 25, 2010 1 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And that my friends was an incredible night
Went out to the high school tonight for senior night and a little basketball between MC and Cowan and let me tell you it was an amazing, incredible, insert your best adjective here night. It was a night that a few years ago didn't seem like it was going to happen but tonight it did. I'm talking about a senior on the team named Shane Hines. Now I don't know him personally but I know who he is. A few years back he was in a serious accident just outside of town. I remember hearing that the doctors didn't know if he'd ever walk again, well he has. At homecoming a few weeks ago he walked out to the court without his cane that he uses, much to the delight of those in attendance. He has been a member of the varsity b-ball team the past few years even though he hasn't played but that all changed tonight. I remember MC coach Jeremy Duncan saying in an article last year that he was going to put Shane in the line up on senior night this year and it would bring down the roof, it did and then some.
Normally on senior night you start all the seniors on your team and let them play for a bit. Shane has never started let alone played in a varsity game until tonight where he started and by a very nice and sportsman gesture Cowan got the tip then proceeded to throw the ball to Shane and he dribbled down the court, even went behind his back at one point, then went to the basket and hit a lay up for the first points of the game. Cowan then went down and hit an uncontested layup and then MC called timeout to take Shane out. I have never heard that gym any louder than tonight, it was louder than last years sectional championship game. Shane recieved a couple of standing ovations from the whole crowd, it was an awesome sight. Big props to Cowan's team and fans for taking part and appriciating this situation, they are a class act.
If you missed it you can either go to WTHR channel 13's website or WRTV channel 6's website as they were both out there doing a feature on Shane or WANE TV 15 out of Ft. Wayne, they were also out there. And of course the Star Press was there and has pictues up on thier site. It was a very emotional and triumphant night at the old alma mater. Great job Shane and all those who were involved.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Saturday, February 20, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Madhouse Preview
Here is the video from the post before.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, February 16, 2010 0 comments
Madhouse Preview #2
A new show that Tammy and I started watching after one of her boss's told her about it. Brings back some memories of the old racing days. They follow basically 5 drivers, Junior Miller (the legend) Burt Myers (the talented one) his brother Jason Myers (nice guy), Tim Brown (the pompous jerk), and Mark Fleming (the racer thats broke). It is very entertaining especially since I've seen first hand how racing is. Although I don't know these fellows, the series I used to work for and when I worked at Winchester I've seen guys like each one of these guys. It is on every Sunday night at 11 pm on the History channel. Watching this makes me want to go back to my racing roots.
The race track they race at is Bowman Gray Stadium in Winston Salem, NC. It is a flat 1/4 mile track that is very narrow. The best way to pass is to move the car in front of you out of the way, which leads to retaliation which leads to more paybacks and so on. Just imagine racing around the track at the high school, that is what it would be like. I wouldn't mind visiting this track sometime just for the fun of it.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, February 16, 2010 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Seemed like old times
Well what was to be a busy weekend was cut way in half with all of the beautiful snow that we got, and yes I am excited about the accumulating snow that will be here tonight and tomorrow. The weekend was to inculde a MC boys basketball game Friday night (postponed until tonight), radio on Saturday (unable to go because of said snow), Bud Shootout Sat. night (great to see racing again can't wait until next weekend), church (rocked the house), and a Super Bowl 44 party out at the McAllisters (great food, great friends, not the outcome on the game we expected). So only missing 2 events wasn't so bad, I'll let you know depending on the outcome of the MC - Winchester game tonight. I kind of liked being stuck here at home with nothing to do but watch it snow and even didn't mind going outside to shovel, thanks to my bud Kenny Marquis of the town for a little help on that. We were going to have worship practice at 9 on Sat. morning but that got pushed back a little later and ended up being held at 7 pm. Lots of fun sharing the stage again with Ryan and Mandy. When they both stepped down I didn't think I'd ever get to share the stage with them again but now I have and who knows maybe I'll get to do it again in the future.
Just sitting here waiting on the next snow storm and the ball game and for this crazy cold to run its course, if I could sing I'd sound like Barry White right now. Also a little anxious and ready to go do a little Solid Rock Friday Night again this week with some new Toby Mac to play. Also waiting word on something pertaining to SRF that if it happens is going to be totally awesome, like fer sure.
Sunday Set List:
How Awesome Is The Lord Most High - Chris Tomlin
Prince Of Peace (You Are Holy) - Micheal W. Smith
All For Love - Hillsong United (good to pull this one out again)
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - ?
Forever (Nails In Your Hands) - Can't remeber who wrote it but Delirious did it.
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin
Mighty To Save - Hillsong
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, February 08, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ahead of schedule
As mentioned before I'm doing the newthru30 which is a reading program that reads through the New Testament in just 30 days. Yesterday I actually got ahead of schedule by reading an extra chapter of Matthew, that's cool. Today I will finish up Matthew and head into Acts by reading the first 4 chapters. I'm enjoying this program and to be totally honest with you I thought man I'll never be able to read that much at a time but I tell you it has been very enjoyable and a breeze so far. It also helps that we've been studying Matthew at the Branches the past couple of months so as I was reading those chapters I was reminded of the messages that PK has brought. Hopefully you are reading your bible daily and maybe even joining me in the newthru30 program.
I've been listening to Air1 alot lately here at home online, it is a radio station that is owned by K-love and they play alot and I mean alot of the artists that I like - Kutless, Pillar, Red, Me In Motion, Disciple, Anberlin, and so on and so on. They have stations all across the US but none real close to us that we can pick up in the car unless you head to Dayton. If I could start a station or be program manager I would play alot of the same stuff. Who knows maybe someday.
I'm excited for today because there is a marathon on TNT of my favorite TV show, Leverage, this afternoon and the new episodes start tonight at 10 so I'm pumped for that. Got to speak at the Monthly Meeting tonight about a serious topic and am trusting God to give me the words to say and to follow His lead as we lay it all out on the table. Praying not only for the words to say but the attitude and way to say it without losing control. If any of you want to throw up a prayer I thank you in advance.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Wednesday, January 13, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
False start
OK so I was going to start reading my bible at the start of the new year and try to make a new habit, you know the 21 day thing I mentioned. Well I kind of laxed and haven't started but no fear. During the first week of the year I found this site. It is from Elevation Chruch which is Steven Furtick's church in NC. What they are doing is reading through the New Testament in 30 days. They have reading plans, study guides and other resources on that site so check it out. The reading plan starts tomorrow or actually it can start whenever you want it to. So I'm doing this tomorrow, yes I am no kidding. Come join me if you want.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Sunday, January 10, 2010 1 comments