Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sharathon time again

Its that time of year again over at JOY FM for the spring sharathon, it started this morning and goes until 7 pm on Friday. If you can pledge ANY amount please do so, it is great having a christian radio station in our own backyard. Call in your pledges toll free at 877-335-4569 and I know they will appriciate it very much. I was over there for a bit this morning and things are hoppin' over there. I will be there tomorrow and Friday mornings from 6 am to 10 am to take your pledges, feel free to call in your pledge during those times.

I really enjoy my time over there, if you can't tell, and I am thankful not only for the chance to be a part of that ministry but also that there is a station like that in our area that is safe for the kids and enjoyable for mom and dad. Last I checked though the P-town down crew had 2 supporters, Albany 1 and our own hometown of Farmland is being shut out right now, lets go fellow Farmlanders, whats up with that?