Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy weekend on the horizon

This weekend will be one of being on the go quite abit starting out tonight, Taylor and I will be over at the radio station at 9:30 and probably on the air around 9:45 to 10 pm and we will be on until 11 pm so come join us if you can. Tammy and Tyson will be bowling with Route 456 and we will actually beat them home. Tomorrow the madness really kicks in, Taylor has a band thingy at Wilson Middle School at 8:45 as soon as that is done its off to the school for her final game as a 8th grade cheerleader. Then we get a quick break then back out to the high school for the varsity boys game and watch Taylor in the pep band. The only bad thing about tomorrow night is that NASCAR kicks back in with the Bud Shootout, always a fun race to watch, and I'll be at the game. Sunday church and youth but those are always enjoyable so I'm ready for those.


This is Me... said...

Hey - where's the love for the 8th grade girls team Derek?? WHEN they win tomorrow, they'll play Monday night in the Randolph County Championship game!