Friday, February 20, 2009

Sick of being sick

Just about the time I think I've shaken this cold and all my sickness it has to come back and rear its ugly head again and wham right back to it. I thought the cold was gone but these last few days it has taken up shop in the sinus area mostly in the left nostril. Ah someday it will all be but a distant memory and believe me I'm ready to distance myself. We had small group again Wednesday, I've missed the last 2 meetings because of other meetings so I was ready to go hang out and fellowship with the group but that lasted a whole half hour, started feeling queezy a little before we left to head out there and thought it all be gone after I ate, wrong. It kept getting worse so just as we were getting ready to dig in I bailed. Hate to keep missing but after spending some quality time in the bathroom when I got home I know I made the right decision. I'll go next week then miss 2 more.

Excited about today and tonight, in a little bit I'm heading into Muncie to drop off a few more resume's and to take lunch out to my lovely wife and have lunch with her, it will be the second time this week, and we even had a little date night Monday, am I lucky or what. Later tonight Taylor and I are heading to the big thriving metropolis known as Cowan to watch the ball game between MC and Cowan, plus we also get to see my nephews girlfriend cheer for Cowan and I hope to run into a buddy of mine from the old TTC whose son plays for Cowan. Gonna be good times. And don't forget chicken noodle dinner tomorrow night at the FFC, those dinners rock.

Had a little worship team practice last night and did a little test and yes the wireless still works at least with the Kamakazi guitar, I'll test it on the Jackson later. Hopefully it will and we can have a little fun in the coming weeks. Enjoy the day.


This is Me... said...

Amen - I'm sick of being sick too! I'm in the same boat - thought I was getting over this darn cold/sinus thing and today I wake up all stuffed up in the nose again and with a scratchy throat and voice that comes and goes. Just can't win!