If there ever was a mayor of Farmland it would have been Tony Mills. I don't think there were too many people in town that he did not know. It wasn't uncommon to go up to the VP and him be sitting up there talking to everyone that came in. Asking me about my uncle Jerry or if my brother was still in Austrialia or if the Braves were going to get in the playoffs. He would of made a fine greeter at church. If you don't know he passed away late last week and will be laid to rest today. I've basically known him all my life from running around with my uncle to being a coach of my little league team. He was a coach for many years even though he never had a child to play he was out there helping us out. God bless you Tony.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Where to start.
What a great weekend and like I told Tammy last night why couldn't the weekend last about 7 or 8 more days? Friday was cool got to to see Apologetix again in Union City with Andy. Good show, they had an opening act called ILIA which is hebrew for God is Lord. The band is made up of 5 girls age 18-21 from Arkansas and let me tell you they ROCK. I really dug them and they have a cd coming out around September so I'll be getting that. Got to hang out and talk with J and Karl from Apologetix and Karl even gave us the grand tour of the new tour bus. I'm sure I'll go see them again when they come back around for the 7th time.
Saturday got up at 10:30 and didn't do much until I took the kids to the VBS kickoff at the Winchester Pool. Hung out with Andy, David, JD, and James talking sports and stuff having a good time, then went to Tammy's brothers for a cookout and more swiming for the kids at 10 pm.
Sunday went to church and heard an awesome message from Ryan, it was on the 4 stages of spiritual growth and I can see myself in 2 of them (child and young man) but longing and wanting to be in the Father stage. I will make it there. Took Taylor up to Quaker Haven to camp with the McAllisters following us up there, hung out with the girls for a while as they got settled in. Join me in praying for Taylor, Rylan, Abby, and Emily that this will be more than just camp, that they grow closer to the Lord in every aspect. Left and went to the Outback with the McAllisters, it was a bummer that the Silvers' and Roberts couldn't join us but I know all of them were celebrating Tony's win at the Brickyard in their own way. Just a good weekend and looking forward to VBS this week and seeing kids lifes changed.
Music went pretty good yesterday with doing 3 songs that I don't remember ever being done before. My fingers were like lead during "Lifesong" and wouldn't work right but we got through it all right. Ready for next week now to see what happens next.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, July 30, 2007 4 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Late day tidbit
I get an email blog each day from Perry Noble, thanks PK, and really enjoy his style. Today on his blog he mentioned something that had a link to it so I checked it out. It is a blog from a pastor named Steven Furtick from Elevation Church in North Carolina. When I saw his blog I liked it so I decided to check the churches website. One of the first things I saw on there was about the series they are doing now called "Confessions of a Pastor". The heading said something like "Pastor 27 who rocks out to Zepplin, and wants to kick the devil in the teeth" so I checked it out and really dug it and thought some of you might be interested in it as well. I strive to be as bold as some of the pastors I listen to not so much in a pastorial role but just plain bold and on fire. With mentors like PK, Perry Noble, Ed Young Jr. and now Steven as well as other people God has placed in my life the possibilities are endless.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Friday, July 27, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Couldn't think of much to write about today so I thought I'd do a little profile for you and please feel free to do the same about some favorites.
Favorite Food: The plate that is in front of me.
Hobbies: Guitar, Golf, Fast Pitch Tennisball
Music: Kutless, Hillsong United, Decyfer Down
TV Shows: Normally its a ball game of some sort, Criminal Minds and CSI:NY
Bible Verse: Romans 10:9
Vacation Spot: Toledo area (Port Clinton, Marblehead), Outer Banks in NC
Place to go: Sam Ash
Sport: Baseball, Auto Racing, College Basketball and Football, and Pro Football.
Teams: Atlanta Braves, IU, Colts
Other: Storms, any kind, thunderstorms to snow storms doesn't matter.
Feel free to post your own favorties.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Thursday, July 26, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A bit different
Today will be a bit different being that normally on Wednesday the worship team would be practicing but we will do that tomorrow night and I am excited about a few of the songs that we will be doing. We will have a new leader this week with Brent Smith stepping up and what I've seen so far during other practices it should be fun. Don't know how I'll handle tonight without the practice it will probably feel like a 3 day weekend does where it seems like the days are all screwed up.
Last night it was just the guys at home and Tyson and I were playing a little Madden 06, he was doing the offense and I handle the defense, he has started to get into football alot here lately which is fine by me now we will just see during the season if his interest lasts longer than the popcorn, and he scored his first touchdown on his own and you would think he won the lottery or something. Hi-fives abound and a smile that you couldn't wipe away. Its the simple things sometimes that are cool moments.
Had to go to Union City after work and be there by 5:30 to pick up 2 tickets to see APOLOGETIX this Friday and yes I exceeded the speed limit a few times but made it and am now ready for the show. This will be the 6th time I have seen them making them the band that I have seen the most. If you are looking for something to do this Friday come on over to Union City High School at 7:30 and check them out.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Wednesday, July 25, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Fun Sunday
Sunday was fun with the 125 anniversary celebration and the fun continued during XMEN. For those of you who don't know XMEN is a little bible group for the boys in the church age 8-13 that meet every other Sunday. This Sunday the boys were able to bring their dads for an interview session. They thought of questions to ask the meeting before and then this week we all sat around in a big circle and answered the questions. The questions ranged from what did you do when you were my age to how did you know that mom was the right one. There were some pretty good questions and do you know how hard it is to remember alot of things that happened 20 to 30 years ago. I really dig the XMEN and Girls Life of Faith and what they are doing with the younger kids in our church. So here is a challenge to those of you who have kids, let them do a little interview on you sometime it is alot of fun.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, July 24, 2007 0 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
125 years is a long time.
This weekend was the 125th anniversary of the church as many of you know and it was cool to take a trip down memory lane and to see where we have came from and even a glimpse as to where we are headed. I went to the Henry Street church a couple of times maybe 3 or 4 and don't really remember a whole lot about it except for the last VBS held there where Tammy and I helped out. Who knew that we would end up as members of the church years later, its funny how God works sometimes. Looking at the pictures in the slide show I did recognize quite a few people just from living in Farmland forever but it was good to see them. Listening to the testimonies and memories was also very enjoyable. It is amazing what God can do with a person through the actions of another. Enjoyed Chipper Huser's testimony and there are plenty more testimonies like his in our church and there will be alot more in the future. I have known who he was from growing up but have only recently gotten to know him and see just how God is working in his life.
Big kudos to all involved in this weekends services from the speakers, a/v people, musicians, staff, and all those who volunteered their time or pictures or talent in someway and Neva for the awesome cake. More on the weekend later.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, July 23, 2007 0 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Another e-mail driven post
I get a e-newsletter every month or so from Mark Cahill and I thought I'd share a bit of it. If you don't know Mark Cahill is the author of the book THE ONE THING YOU CAN'T DO IN HEAVEN which is a great read. Anyway it was about prayer called DON'T PRAY, OBEY. Here is some snipets from the e-mail: "I want to warn you about praying with an agenda. Many times we take our agenda into a prayer and want and expect God to bless it and we think we hear from God but we may have really heard what we want to hear from ourselves. What would be one way to test what we feel we have heard from God? The greatest way is to make sure any answer that God gives you is not contrary to His word. It will line up with what the bible says."
Some examples: "What if I say that God is leading me to be one who doesn't share his faith but just encourages others to do it, or to pay for missionaries to do it?" Mark 16:15 says " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." "See I really don't need to pray about sharing my faith, I rerally just need to obey."
"What if I am feeling led to lie about a situation, and I am feeling like it is the right thing to do to make things right? What if I even pray about it, and think this is where God is leading? Well you better check that against His word." Exodus 20:16 says, "Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." "Lying is not an option that God leaves open to us."
You can read the whole thing at www.markcahill.org. I can say that I think at some point or another we are all guilty of doing this. This is another fine example of why we need to DAILY read God's word and get consumed with Him.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Friday, July 20, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Did you know
I got an interesting email yesterday from my mom and thought that I'd share it with you, it has some pretty cool facts. Do you know that Psalms 117 is the shortest chapter in the bible, and Psalms 119 is the longest. Guess what Psalms 118 is the center chapter of the bible. There are 594 chapters before and 594 chapters after and if you add them up it equals 1188. With that said remember that number because Psalms 118:8 is the center verse in the bible. Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His word.
Psalms 118:8 "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man." (NIV)
God never ceases to amaze me.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Thursday, July 19, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Songs I wish I had wrote
As someone who is finding their way through a musical journey I have written a few tunes and I often hear a song and think man I wish I wrote that song. Now I know God uses each one of us differently and has equiped us with talents and such to bring Him glory. Maybe someday I'll write something and someone will think I wish I wrote that. I want to make it clear that I don't mean that from an ego standpoint, I do hope and I do not want an ego of any type. Anywho without further ado here are some songs that I wish I had written:
To Hell With The Devil - Styrper. Very bold and upfront song.
Leaving 99 - Audio Adrenaline. Simple song taken from a parable from Matthew.
This Man - Jeremy Camp. A great song with a great question "Would you take the place of this man?"
Awesome God - Rich Mullins. This is a song where all you have to do is sing the chorus.
Arms Spread Out - Unsealed. From the worship team of a few years ago probably my favorite song they wrote, wish we would have done it more.
Jesus Freak - DC Talk. Once again just a right in your face bold statement.
Breakfast - Newsboys. Who knew you could take something most people do everyday and make it into a quirky little number "You know they don't serve breakfast in hell."
Thief - Third Day. My new favorite song that they do. Written from the perspective of one of the criminals crucified with Christ who stood up for Him.
Looks like a good set list for some Sunday, the thought of the looks on some face when "To hell with the devil" would ring out. Nothing wrong with going against the grain a bit.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Wednesday, July 18, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
What part of the ripple are you?
A simple drop in the water creates a ripple effect, it is pretty cool to look at when it just seems to go and go and go. Sometimes there is a big splash and the ripple effect goes on for what seems forever and sometimes it is a little splash with a ripple that ends before it really gets a chance to start. This weekend at church we are celebrating our 125 anniversary, that is alot of years of doing God's work, it is a big ripple. Now I have only been around for about 4 of those years but there are some who have been here for quite some time so in that effect my part of the ripple is still close to the splash. Churches look all to often at numbers wanting the largest membership, how much money was raised during offering, and so on but I feel the most important number is how many lives have been changed or are being changed. Imagine how many lives have been changed at Farmland Friends in 125 years. Ed Young Jr. made a comment about the church and how 1/3 of it should be strong, mature believers, 1/3 new believers, 1/3 should be unbelievers who are searching. FFC is definately in this realm I think and it is an exciting place to be.
Now we are forging ahead for another 125 years striving to make changes in our town, county, community, and beyond, kind of a ripple effect changing lives and building releationships with each other. My question is what part of the ripple are you? Are you making a quick splash that fades quickly or are you going for the big splash with the endless ripples? Jump in with both feet making the biggest bellysmacker cannonball splash you can possibly make and watch the ripple effect and changes keep going and going and going.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Weekend obsevations
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, July 16, 2007 0 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th
Today is Friday the 13th, and you know what that means? It means that tomorrow is Saturday the 14th and the following day will be the 15th and so on and so on. I always get a kick out of those who "freak out" that it's Friday the 13th and something bad is going to happen or they will be cursed for the day. People it is just another day get over it. I personally am not a superstitious person what so ever so bring the black cats, ladders, etc. on I am ready to face them. Allthough as I sit here and look out the window there is this guy out there with a hockey mask on and a machette in his hand ; )
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Friday, July 13, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sunday Set List
Here is a sneak peak at this Sunday's set list:
Better Than Life - not the Hillsong version we have done in the past.
I Am Free
Heart Of Worship
The Wonderful Cross
Mighty To Save
So now you know what is coming so once again I expect it to be loud with voices.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Thursday, July 12, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Welcome to the jungle
Last week after our trip to Cincinnati we painted the kids rooms. Tyson wanted an animal room than changed his mind to a library but we talked him back into the animal room with a jungle theme. Those vines come form his light down the walls, big kudos to my brother and his wife who came all the way from Virginia Beach just to help us paint. Not really but it sounds good. Chuck did the vines for us and I think he did a pretty cool job. We might add a few things later to it to add to that jungle theme.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Wednesday, July 11, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Little reading
For the past couple of nights during my bible reading I've been in 2 Kings reading about kings. There were quite a few of them and I noticed a recurring theme. After it said who the king was and who his father was and how long they were king it almost always seemed to say "and he did evil in the eyes of the Lord." It was refreshing last night to read about a king who actually went in and took all the things that these other kings had done and tried to right them all in God's eyes. It makes me wonder something that I wonder about people today and that is why don't they GET IT? What is it that they don't or can't see? I do know one thing I can't wait to get to heaven and ask someone from those days where in the world they got those names from. So in closing I challenge all who read this to if you don't or aren't reading your bible to dive in and check it out.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 0 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
Back to reality
Well its back to reality today as our vacation is over, I guess it had to end sometime. Spent a few days in Cincinnati and Newport, KY which is right across the river. We spent time at the Levee in Newport only makes me wish we had a chevy than I could have took the chevy to the levee. Went to see the Reds play at the Great American Ballpark and much to my chagrin they won. But out of the 37,000 + people there we are sitting there waiting for the game to start and I hear Derek, don't think much about it, then someone yells Chalfant I turn around and about 6 or 7 rows above us are the Prices and McAllisters, small world. Hopefully in the next few days I'll have some photos to post.
Posted by Derek Chalfant at Monday, July 09, 2007 0 comments