Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What part of the ripple are you?

A simple drop in the water creates a ripple effect, it is pretty cool to look at when it just seems to go and go and go. Sometimes there is a big splash and the ripple effect goes on for what seems forever and sometimes it is a little splash with a ripple that ends before it really gets a chance to start. This weekend at church we are celebrating our 125 anniversary, that is alot of years of doing God's work, it is a big ripple. Now I have only been around for about 4 of those years but there are some who have been here for quite some time so in that effect my part of the ripple is still close to the splash. Churches look all to often at numbers wanting the largest membership, how much money was raised during offering, and so on but I feel the most important number is how many lives have been changed or are being changed. Imagine how many lives have been changed at Farmland Friends in 125 years. Ed Young Jr. made a comment about the church and how 1/3 of it should be strong, mature believers, 1/3 new believers, 1/3 should be unbelievers who are searching. FFC is definately in this realm I think and it is an exciting place to be.

Now we are forging ahead for another 125 years striving to make changes in our town, county, community, and beyond, kind of a ripple effect changing lives and building releationships with each other. My question is what part of the ripple are you? Are you making a quick splash that fades quickly or are you going for the big splash with the endless ripples? Jump in with both feet making the biggest bellysmacker cannonball splash you can possibly make and watch the ripple effect and changes keep going and going and going.


Kris Sorensen said...


Great post!