Monday, April 16, 2007


What a weekend. Great message again on Sunday, good meeting on Saturday with the M&O, and a great show last night to top the weekend off. The message and the meeting kind of went hand in hand in places and one thing I brought out of both of them is that our FOCUS shouldn't be on groups, flags, symbols, tradition, pictures that are moved, so on and so on but on Jesus Christ and reaching the lost at any cost. I think saving someones soul is much more important than a shelf that was taken down or hoops that you have to jump through for whatever reason. Let's keep our focus of to what church and being a christian is about.

The show last night was a great celebration for a weekend ender. Family Force 5 are as Taylor said big dorks but they rock. I don't think they are for everyone but the hearts of the band are definatly in the right place. Building 429 was kind of out of place but they led in worship. TFK all I got to say is "Throw up your rawkfist if your feeling this." TobyMac and the Diverse City band just brought the house down. Mixing old with new and even some old 70's stuff, great show. Toby did something that is missing in alot of shows, brought a bible out and spoke right out of John 1 starting at verse 5. Just a cool show and I'm glad I got to spend a little time with the Lil-Chick and she even got to meet Toby and he made her day by calling her sweetheart.

Watching these bands made me think, what would people think if some Sunday I just start jumping around throwing the guitar around and rocking out. That is what I like to see when I see someone playing but yet when I play its kind of stationary with no movement. Might have to try that some Sunday, PK be ready for some emails and letters. Then we will throw in the flashpots and smoke and lights and.....


Kris Sorensen said...

Derek if you start jumping and swinging your guitar around then I will make sure I do everything in my power to get you flashpots, strob lights, smoke, intelligent lighting... And if you can get Eric and Tim to do the jumping with you we will throw in a new sound system :=) PK

Derek Chalfant said...

Your on. Wait til we go wireless.