Thursday, April 26, 2007

Good times

I really like Wednesday night worship team practice. Even had a surprise visit from PK with words of encourgement which was cool. I almost had to drop Bryan though when he started to attack me with a pool stick as I was walking upstairs just minding my own business not bothering anyone, consider yourself lucky Vickery. The way we are doing it now is we run through the song than do it again and tweek it here and there. We are doing a couple of songs this week that we have not done for a while so that should be pretty cool. I'm bringing the ROCK on a few of them. We are doing How Great Is Our God so I know worship will be at full strength this week, that song really connects with people. Still getting more and more excited about the Apologetix show, I pray that someone or many someones have their lives affected by the show. This church is all about lives being changed and this is just another avenue for God to do His work.