Friday, October 5, 2007

Keepin the streak alive

Today marks day number 4 that I have gone without drinking. Pop that is. Monday at lunch I had a Diet Pepsi and once that was gone I haven't had any since. Some people can do this without problem, take my wife for instance, she can go days and weeks without drinking pop but me I never could until now. Do I miss it? Yes, but so far it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, now Sunday when I'm watching the NASCAR race or the Colts it might be another story. I used to drink a 2-liter at work in a couple of days or a 20 oz or two a day and could go through a 24 pack of cans in 5 or 6 days. Especially Diet Mt. Dew which I know is the worst diet drink you can drink but it tastes so good. I don't know how long this will go on and to some it might seem silly but thats ok its a big step in the whole trying to slim down from the being a BIG boy to just going down to a BIg boy than a Big boy than finally a big boy.

I'll be back over at the radio station tonight and hopefully will be doing the last hour again rockin out, havin fun, and reachin and teachin. I might even have someone in China listening in, there are a few people from the shop that had to go over to set up some stuff at our plant in Wuxi and Patti is taking her laptop and I told her if she thinks of it at 10 tonight which will be like 2 in the afternoon tomorrow there to give a little listen. Technology is cool. So tune in around 10 and rock out with me.