Monday, October 8, 2007

The weekend that was.

First off I want to ask did anyone else get chills when at the end of He Reigns when we stopped playing and someone kept singing then everyone else followed for a few minutes, that was powerful. I always like those unplanned things like that when they just happen, ONLY GOD. Speaking of ONLY GOD, I am blown away at the numbers for the building to bless campaign, whoever would have thought that something like that could happen in Farmland, once again two words sum it up ONLY GOD. There are big things that are going to happen here and we all get to be a part.

This is a short work week because of the nice long weekend with going out to the Winchester Speedway for the Winchester 400, it has been my favorite race for quite sometime. The first one I went to was in 1981 I believe and I haven't missed one since, helps that I've worked all of them since 1986. I only wish that the late Roger Holdeman was around for this weekend. He was the former owner of the speedway until his death and this was his baby. I miss Roger and just hanging out during practice and laughing and carrying on. Still keep in contact with his wife Linda who ran the track for a few years after her passing. Should be fun.