Thursday, June 14, 2007

Times are a changing

The worship team is going through some changes as you know and the times ahead at times are unclear. We have had 2 important members step down in the last few weeks and while from a personal standpoint it is a bummer from the fact that I really enjoyed the time playing music together, hanging out and learning from God's word and spending time in worship together I know that the friendships built we remain. Right now we are leaderless so to speak so things are a little scary.

But we (I) are ready to dive right in and continue on without missing a beat and maybe bring something new to the table and just see where this all leads to. I know God isn't going nowhere.

So just hang in there with us for awhile and be patient with us for a bit as we find our way and our voice in all of this.

As long as we stay in God's hands I know he will not leave us or forsake us and I pray that something we do each week will touch someone, somehow, someway. We need to keep our focus on why we are doing this and put God first in ALL aspects and let him play through each one of us each and every Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Cool post! I like the pictures, really adds to the message.

Anonymous said...

yes, cool pictures and really drove home the point you were making. I appreciate watching your growth walk with the Lord,and I believe He's got many good things ahead for FFC & the worship team

Kris Sorensen said...

Chief - a very creative post driving home a great point.