Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Great night, great tacos

Got to spend the evening with the Pinkertons last night which included the world famous, nothing else like them, dig in the trash for leftovers chicken tacos. James is most definately the master chef when it comes to these. Taking care of each one like it is a one of a kind masterpiece, handling them with such care to delite your tastebuds in ways that should be illeagal. After the food festivities we headed in for some Wii, Taylor said he was going to make Pink cry in bowling and yes she did, allbeit a fake cry just to make her happy Pink had the last laugh when he beat her by about 20 pins, but neither one of them or Mom had anything for Lucas and his jump tactics. It was great to hang out with them and just chill and build relationships and hopefully we can return the favor in a few weeks.

Got an email yesterday and I will be heading over to the radio station 2 weeks from today to handle the Workday Wrap-Up again to fill in for a day, that will be fun.


Unknown said...

The tacos lived up to all the hype--James is a master chef for sure. Loved the bowling even tho it took me awhile to get the hang of it. Thanks Pink & Tonya for the invite. Was surprised tho after the twitter to not have company from P-Town to eat leftovers. lol

Kris Sorensen said...

I got my Twitter a little late and I was in my 'jammies' for the night. I'm glad, yet a little envious, that you all got to enjoy the chicken tacos :-)