Tuesday, July 29, 2008

That was fun

Went over to JOY FM last night and recorded a "Word of the day" segment with Naomi and it was alot of fun. She asked if I wanted to see the words or not and I decided to wing it and luckily I pretty much got all 5 words right. Then had to give an example of the word which was fun. It should air not next week but the week after that in the 6 am hour, when I find out more I'll be sure and let you all know. It was kind of like being interviewed at the begining of each segment before turning to the task at hand. Also learned a few new tricks that someday might come in handy, got to learn how to do some recording and ways to do some other recording where you use a couple of tracks. I would like to do something like that for the SRF show kind of my own little snipet of stuff, have to work on that.

I'll be over there tomorrow around 3 so tune in if you can as I take the wheel on the Workday Wrap-Up.


brenda c said...

You better be on your toes cause I plan on checking you out tomorrow!! I like Naomi too and I am sure she will do a fine job on the morning show. I think all of you DJ's have an awesome job and opportunity to share Jesus,Keep it up!