Friday, July 11, 2008

That was me on there.

Yesterday I thought I wasn't going to be on the air, I thought I'd just be running the board for the remote but I did get to spend a little time on the air reading the Good News for a Change segment and doing the Prayer Circle and I had to lead Naomi in a couple of times because she was set up by the stage where a band was playing from 6 to 6:40. I got to end the show off with a little banter with Naomi on where they will be doing live remotes for the next couple of weeks and got to end the show off as she signed off. It was fun and I really enjoy hanging out over there. Congrats to FFC's own Bill Davis for winning the Word Of The Day contest, its always cool to hear familiar voices on the phone. I gave the station some tickets for the Locked and Loaded Tour which is coming to FFC on Aug. 8 so they can give them away on Solid Rock Friday Night so be listening and call in to win.