Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a thought/question

Have you ever driven by the church (FFC) early in the morning and see all the lights around the building on and think "what a cool place."

Have you ever thought back when there was just the sanctuary there and thought "what a cool place."

Then the Family Life Center was added and you thought "what a cool place."

Then the Building to Bless started and the new building was added and thought "what a cool place."

Have you ever stepped inside on a Sunday and been to a service, complete with coffee, and think "what a cool place."

Have you ever known someone from school or wherever who you thought you'd never see in a church setting and bump into them at FFC and see a change and think "what a cool place."

Have you ever sat in a service and feel God's presence in a mighty way and think "what a cool place."

Have you ever been to the church and had your own life changed for eternity and think "what a cool place."

Have you ever thought that heaven is going to be way beyond your wildest dreams and think "what a cool place."

We have been greatly blessed with all that has happened in little old Farmland and I have this feeling that we ain't seen nothin' yet, just you wait and see.


Sue said...

Good morning!

Yes, I have thought "what a cool place" several times in relation to FFC! Another thought that comes to mind when I think about my church and the effect it has had on me and my family and friends is, "It's a God thing".

Have a GREAT day!

Chuck Chalfant said...


we were just talking about how God does things like no one else can - i think our family is living proof of how amazing He is.

Nathan said...


And you're right! We ain't seen nothin' yet ;o)

It's hard telling what God will decide to do with FFC, whatever that is, it will be great!