Friday, December 21, 2007

Are you ready?

Well the days are winding down and before you know it Christmas will be here. Are you as prepared as you want to be? Are there still things to get with no time to get them? Are you in a panic and have no idea what or when or how you are going to finish getting ready? Have you even started? Have you been done for weeks allready and are just waiting now? I am proud to say that I think we are officially done. Its all over but the wrapping, my least favorite thing about Christmas. I know that things are crazy here in Muncie on an evening around 4:30 as what used to take 30 mins to get home now takes around 40 to 45 just trying to get through the traffic and the insane drivers who always come out at this time of year. Now I'm looking forward to Monday and Tuesday, one of the best parts of those two days are watching the kids and seeing the excitment and joy on their faces, I just hope this year they wait awhile to wake up Christmas morning. Tuesday afternoon it will all be done, the tree will be put up, and things will be back to normal, whatever that is.

I was ready to rock this weekend but that doesn't look like its going to happen, all in the new band have other engagements so no jamming tonight and worship Sunday will be subdued and even dare I say it "almost country." Say it ain't so. I am still looking forward to the service to hear and see the message as from what I see will be a great visual theme to it. See you all then.


Kris Sorensen said...

"almost country" - aaaaaaahhhhhh