Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thoughts for the new year at 1 in the morning

Here it is almost 1:30 in the morning and instead of sleeping like I should be I'm sitting here typing this listening to Pandora radio, my Hillsong United channel. For those who haven't heard of this you type in an artist you like and they play songs from that artist and similiar artists, right now it's Third Day's King Of Glory, which is another song we need to do. This is getting to be a bad habit these last few days as my normal bedtime is somewhere around 2 in the morning. Kinda like the old days but bad because I hope I break out of this habit before Sunday night when its time to go back to work early Monday. I've been reading other blogs and stuff on facebook and so on and seeing what others are saying about the new year and resolutions, oaths (as we say now, great idea Pink), goals, or expectations and thought I'd drop in my $0.02, thats two cents for those who don't get it. I was thinking about reading all of the self-help books I could that talk about being a better husband, father, friend, and person and those that help with money management, personal growth, spiritual growth, and just making it through each and everyday. If I did that I'd be reading a book a day so I decided to manage my time wisely and just read the bible everyday. It will teach me all of the formentioned items and so much more. Nothing against self help books, they work for some but I think I can get all that in God's word.

I finished up the my first complete journey through the bible on Monday and learned a few things along the way. First off alot of the times while I was reading I was just doing that reading not learning. So this year I am going to keep a journal with it and from time to time I plan on sharing a few of the inserts here on the ole' blog. One of the blogs I read daily is Perry Nobles blog and he does this from time to time and I get alot out of it so I am going to take his idea and put my spin, take, view on it. I look forward to digging deeper and learning so much this year that when next year rolls around I'll look back and say why didn't I do that every year. I know quite a few others are doing this so won't you join us in getting in to God's word and learning and applying it daily.

I forgot to blog earlier today and mention that we now have a teenager living in our house, Taylor turned 13 yesterday the 2nd and I am totally not ready for the teenage years. She was walking around the house tonight saying I've been 13 for 2 and 1/2 hours now and constantly updating us.