Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New member of the family.

This is Layla, no we didn't name her. I thought about changing her name to Stay, you know "Come here Stay." That would mess her up though. She is part beagle part boxer so that makes her a beager or a boxle. Kids didn't know she was coming home with me so they were really surprised when they walked in and saw her.


Nathan said...

Congrats on your newest addition!

Coby said...

She's beautiful!

bryan vickery said...

i know a guy who named his dog "diogi" (pronounced dee-OH-gee... like d-o-g)

give me a d! give me an o! give me a g! what's that spell?!?

Keym said...

She is super cute. I think she may have some sass though :0)