Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a bit behind

Last night we figured since summer is quickly coming to a close that it would be a good time to finally go air up the tires on our bikes so we could enjoy them. Yeah I know August is 2/3 over and we are just now getting the bikes out, hey next week we might go buy a pool to enjoy during the summer, not. I found out that stuff I used to do as a youngster I can no longer do or struggle at, as an example we have 4 bikes but only 3 of us went up to air up the tires meaning that I walked 2 of the bikes up there, no problem. Now on the way back home I tried to ride my bike while holding on to the other one which worked for like the first 30 or 40 seconds then the other bike became possesed and starting going where ever it wanted to. I did not wreck but came close a couple of times then I figured hey walking them together was easy let's try that again. Now I know that I've done that before, riding one and pulling another along, but I mightly struggled last night, what part of it did I forget? Oh well at least I didn't wreck. Now maybe tonight I'll get the bike out and ride a bit, thought about riding this morning at 4:30 but sleep won out on that one, maybe tomorrow, right.


Mommy pfohl said...

Whew! 4:30?? I'd say sleep would win out! I'm proud of you for even thinking about it! :)