Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No title available again

Just a few tidbits for today, first up JOY FM's spring sharathon starts today and runs through Friday. They are doing it differently this year where instead of one big sum for the six months they are doing it a month at a time and by that I mean they are trying to get people to support the station monthly instead of a one time pledge if I'm not mistaken. So if you feel so led be sure to help them out. Not just saying this because I help out over there but it has been a real blessing having a local christian music station to listen to at home or in the car going somewhere but it is great not to have to worry about what the kids are hearing like on other stations.

Stopped out by the high school and watched a few innings of the JV baseball teams game against Union City last night. Got to see Adam Parkison smack a two run double to get a big 3rd inning rally going where MC ended up scoring 8 runs that inning, didn't get to see Samon play because had to be home by 6 so Tammy could head out to a friends house for some exercising. It was fun and I plan on doing it again sometime.

The countdown is on for the Skillet/TFK/Decyfer Down show Saturday, from what I've read it is going to be loud, the louder the better, and I'm sure its gonna rock. Probably hang out afterwards to say hey to the bands if no one has to be home early. That is one of the coolest things about christian concerts the bands always seem to make their way out to the merch tables to hang out and talk with people for a while after the show. Just a few short days and it will be on.


Rick Brown said...

Samon got in game and had a hit and scored a run. Parkison hit the ball hard all three times at the plate.