Thursday, May 10, 2007


Just a short post about sin. Sin is sin, no matter how you slice it is still sin. Big sin little sin hidden sin it is still sin, some try to give it an extreme makeover and make it look all pretty but it is still sin. We think sometimes we can handle sin but when you let it creep in it doesn't just come in and sit in the corner of your heart and life and just hang out no it comes in to corrupt, kill, steal, destroy everything, you get the picture. This next thought is straight from God and hits it right on the head and everytime we sin or think about sinning we should think of this: THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. Now I don't know about you but I think dying from sin is sooooooooooo not cool, now "to live is Christ, to die is gain" now that's cool.

People try to hide sin but God sees it all. We all know there is sin all around us in this big ole world with where we work, schools, activities for the kids, and yes even churches have sin. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Some even go as far as to justify their sin by blaming God. Now the God I serve wants nothing more than to TAKE your sins from you to bring you to Him not MAKE you sin. If that is the case than why did Jesus come to die for our sins if God is just going to make you sin. Sin seperates us from God and God doesn't want us seperated from Him. We all have our lapses in judgement but God is there waiting for us. My prayer today is for conviction. I want people to be so convicted that they are led to their knees face down humbly confessing their sins to God and meaning it. God knows when we are flippant about forgiveness, I'm talking total forgiveness laying it all down with nothing to hide just you(me) and God and getting back on track.

Sin is sin no ifs, ands, or buts about it.