Monday, May 7, 2007

Weekend observations

If you missed the ApologetiX show Friday you missed a pretty good one. You wouldn't have recognized the church, with all the sound equipment and lights and smoke it was pretty cool. They put on a good show and the crowd really seemed to enjoy the show. Those guys are easy to work with and it was cool to be able to put something like this on at FFC. Thanks to the band and all those who came and helped in one way or another, Pastor Jeff, Scott Parkison, Brian Cline, Dennis Patty, Joe Frazier, Pastor Bryan, the guy in the Micheal Waltrip hat, JD and Connie Akers, Bryant and Jenny Lee, the Cross family, my lovely wife Tammy and the other ticket taking people, I didn't see all of them or know all of them, Dan Lipps and Bruce Matthews from Joy Fm and of course all of you who came out to the show. Hopefully this is the start of something here and in the community.

I thought it was rather interesting on Sunday with PK gone that the fellow from the IYM spoke on baptism. I wonder if that was planned or just a random act. I still think that baptism by water is still the way to go, old man goes under new man comes up, but we all have our own opinions. Good weekend all in all now go full steam into this week.


bryan vickery said...

Wish I could've been there for the concert.

I'm with ya on the baptism. Dunk me under so everyone knows.