Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day and night

I've noticed something for awhile but never really made the connection until last night when Tammy pointed it out to me. At night when the kids are in bed and asleep we looked in and Taylor has her closet light on with the door open wide and a night light as well, her room is pretty well lit at night. Turn around in the hallway and you have Tyson's room where the closet light is off, door shut and his night light that he has burned out about 2-3 weeks ago and he hasn't said anything about getting it fixed. So his room is nice and dark. So we figured out the our kids are as different as night and day when it comes to sleeping habits, not just with the lighting but with actually going to bed and rising from bed. Tyson is just about always the first to bed and the first out of bed of the two, and he is a sound sleeper where as Taylor wakes up when the wind blows outside.

One more little thought, in the winter if you have your thermostat on 72-75 degrees it always seems pretty cozy and warm but in the summer when you have your air conditioner on 72-75 degrees it is nice and cool. Same temperature different results. Just one of those things.


Keym said...

Negative Ghost Writer! If your temp is set to 72-75 in the winter it is sweltering if it is 72-75 in the summer you just might be in hell! Our house is like 66-68 all year round!