Thursday, March 15, 2007

15 years ago, the final chapter

Now it is time for my story. I gave my life to Christ way back in June of 1980 and in the time between 1980 and 2004 I was close to God and at times I was as far away as I could be. It always seemed that in the times of trouble was the times that I was closer and all the other times I was just doing my own thing, always knowing in the back of my mind what was right and where I should be. Everything I tried to make my life better or basicly bring personal satisfaction just wasn't enough or didn't do the trick. God was always there saying "I'm here when your ready" just waiting for my call. In late 2003 Connie Akers invited our old "Air Band" to come and play in KidZone for the kids which was the first time we went to FFC. It was fun and we enjoyed the whole service so Tammy and I decided to keep going.
We (mainly I) used to find excuses for not going to church on Sunday but once we started coming to FFC I didn't want to miss a Sunday. Now during the week I was still doing my own thing but God was working. It seemed so messed up to be living like we were Monday through Saturday than on Sunday live a totally different way but that still goes on today all over the world in every church there is someone like that. Sin is fun for a season but seasons change and so did I.
Like I wrote about yesterday March 14th 2004 was a changing day for me, when Tammy went to the altar to accept Christ I remember standing up there with her and God was giving me a wake up call. I always knew the right way to live and where I needed to be but never really dove in all the way, on that day I took that dive and haven't looked back since. It always makes me wonder why did I wait so long. I can't seem to get enough of God now and I mean that in a good way, now its not just on Sunday but the other 6 days a week that I live for Him.
As Pastor Kris' blog is titled Changeisgood4U and I am living proof of that. I still stumble every once in a while but God pulls me up, dusts me off and helps me on my way. There are still areas in my life that I need to improve and get better at (paitence, boldness, selfishness...) but I feel that I am a work in progress and the end result is going to be amazing.


Kris Sorensen said...

Once again, it is so cool to hear your journey of faith! It's great to watch you grow spiritually.

Derek Chalfant said...

It's great to grow and I think we should all strive to grow daily. There are good leaders, teachers and examples in place for me to help me daily.