Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Pastries with parents

This morning we did pastries with parents out at the school which was a treat for me, I got to sleep in a little longer than normal and actually got to see what it is like driving to work in the morning light. For the kids it was a little torture getting up earlier than normal, Taylor told me she don't like waking up that early ah the life of an almost teenager. I've been getting up this early Monday thru Friday for 13 years now and still don't like it but I do it and yes you'll hear me complain next week when I have to get up an hour earlier on the clock but it will still be 4 am in my heart not 5 am.

Speaking of kids Tyson plays on a Y-league team in Muncie and this weekend he took his first shot attempt. The kids ran the play we set up to perfection and I noticed Tyson was the one who was going to get the ball, he normally doesn't touch the ball except to take it out, and he got it got set and shot right into the arms of a kid who was a good foot taller. You would think he would be bummed but instead he came running over to the coach of the team and then Tammy and I just excited that he shot the ball not caring that the rest of the team is getting back on defense. It cracked everybody up. I don't think he has a competitive bone in his body, he just likes to have fun. I could learn a few things from the kids sometimes.


Anonymous said...

We could all learn a few things from our kids from time to time, if we'd just slow down and enjoy them! Unfortunatley, we get caught up in all the chauffering, coaching, and planning for this and that, we lose sight of the bigger picture.